The immune system is perhaps the most important system in your body. It is the main system which helps to defend against viruses and bacteria that may invade your body which can lead to serious diseases. In fact, your immune system can be the most important tool for fighting against cancer. If your immune system malfunctions, then you will have severe problems related to cancer, as your body won't be able to distinguish between healthy cells. Thus, your immune system will attack healthy cells instead and this can lead to even more serious disorders than cancer.

As you know, blue green algae are an ocean based food supply and they contain chlorophyll which is a very important substance for your body. In parallel, human body has also evolved from the deep oceans and thus by consuming blue green algae based super foods (such as chlorella) will allow your body to get the revitalizing energy it needs from the nutrition of the oceans.
Hence, eating blue green algae based foods help your body to revert to its fundamental form by receiving ocean based nutrition. Of course, eating blue green algae foods should not be thought of as medicine to be taken in need; but rather it should be thought of as a continuous source of food. By consuming blue green algae based super foods regularly, you can help to boost your immune system and you will also be able to give your body the nutrients that it needs.
For proper functioning of your body, it is essential for your body to have necessary trace minerals and antioxidants. This way the necessary enzymes can be produced by your body and your body's chemical processes can be kept in tip top shape. In addition, blue green algae foods allow the body to retain its natural balance, so that the effects of aging can be combated in a better way. It is important to remember that aging is largely associated with imbalance in the natural mechanisms of the body. Thus, by eating blue green algae foods, you can keep your body healthy, fit and energetic.
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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Major-Health-Benefits-of-Super-Food-Blue-Green-Algae-From-Elements-For-Life&id=1797459] Major Health Benefits of Super Food Blue Green Algae From Elements For Life